Haptic App Button


Haptic App Button


Haptic App Button








This engaging and responsive button is inspired by the original design found on

Initially, it features a "Download for iOS" label, accompanied by the iconic Apple logotype, with an arrow outside the frame pointing to the right, signaling a link to a new page.

When hovered, the component undergoes a sleek transition—the Apple logo moves out of the frame to the left, and the arrow slides in, maintaining its rightward indication.

This subtle animation enriches the user experience, visually implying a seamless transition to the download page upon clicking, making it an essential component for any iOS app landing page.


This engaging and responsive button is inspired by the original design found on

Initially, it features a "Download for iOS" label, accompanied by the iconic Apple logotype, with an arrow outside the frame pointing to the right, signaling a link to a new page.

When hovered, the component undergoes a sleek transition—the Apple logo moves out of the frame to the left, and the arrow slides in, maintaining its rightward indication.

This subtle animation enriches the user experience, visually implying a seamless transition to the download page upon clicking, making it an essential component for any iOS app landing page.


This engaging and responsive button is inspired by the original design found on

Initially, it features a "Download for iOS" label, accompanied by the iconic Apple logotype, with an arrow outside the frame pointing to the right, signaling a link to a new page.

When hovered, the component undergoes a sleek transition—the Apple logo moves out of the frame to the left, and the arrow slides in, maintaining its rightward indication.

This subtle animation enriches the user experience, visually implying a seamless transition to the download page upon clicking, making it an essential component for any iOS app landing page.

©Erman Malak 2023

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