Scroll Transform Video


Scroll Transform Video


Scroll Transform Video








This component features a video within in a sticky container set to fill the viewport. As you scroll, the centrally placed video transforms, shrinking harmoniously within its sticky container.

Once the video and its container reach the end of their parent container’s fixed height, a text from a succeeding section gracefully unveils itself from zero opacity.

It’s a component that marries visual dynamics with user interaction, enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of web scrolling experience.


This component features a video within in a sticky container set to fill the viewport. As you scroll, the centrally placed video transforms, shrinking harmoniously within its sticky container.

Once the video and its container reach the end of their parent container’s fixed height, a text from a succeeding section gracefully unveils itself from zero opacity.

It’s a component that marries visual dynamics with user interaction, enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of web scrolling experience.


This component features a video within in a sticky container set to fill the viewport. As you scroll, the centrally placed video transforms, shrinking harmoniously within its sticky container.

Once the video and its container reach the end of their parent container’s fixed height, a text from a succeeding section gracefully unveils itself from zero opacity.

It’s a component that marries visual dynamics with user interaction, enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of web scrolling experience.

©Erman Malak 2023

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