Selection Colors


Selection Colors


Selection Colors








This small but mighty piece of custom code alters the game for text interaction on your site.

Whenever a user selects text, it alters the default color of selected text and its highlight. With it, users experience a more cohesive and intentional design when interacting with text, as the selection color and the text within it are predefined to harmonize with your overall site aesthetic.

It’s a subtle touch that can add a layer of interactivity and visual consistency on your website.


This small but mighty piece of custom code alters the game for text interaction on your site.

Whenever a user selects text, it alters the default color of selected text and its highlight. With it, users experience a more cohesive and intentional design when interacting with text, as the selection color and the text within it are predefined to harmonize with your overall site aesthetic.

It’s a subtle touch that can add a layer of interactivity and visual consistency on your website.


This small but mighty piece of custom code alters the game for text interaction on your site.

Whenever a user selects text, it alters the default color of selected text and its highlight. With it, users experience a more cohesive and intentional design when interacting with text, as the selection color and the text within it are predefined to harmonize with your overall site aesthetic.

It’s a subtle touch that can add a layer of interactivity and visual consistency on your website.

©Erman Malak 2023

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